Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Professionals CAN'T clear leave, not don't.

Recently I read someone remarking that Professionals in Singapore don't clear their leaves for various reasons. I believe one of the major reasons is missing from that list. The fact is that some professionals CAN'T clear their leave, not don't.

Why can't? Reason is simple. All that drive for productivity is squeezing ever increasing amount of work each professional is suppose to do. And guess what? Because of the productivity drive,  no one is covering you. So if you go on leave, whatever that is pending your action, will still be pending after you come back from your leave. Some will think that the worker should never have any slack time, not knowing that it is during those slack times that people will need to re-charge, and yes, take their leaves.

Unless you really can find some "Kit Kat" time, do you think you can afford to take leave? I don't think so.

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